XXI International Congress Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena "Metamaterials'2018 "

Submitted by ias on Thu, 09/06/2018 - 13:47

Vice Rector for academic affairs, Doctor of physics and mathematics, Professor Igor Semchenko took part in the XXI International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena Metamaterials'2018 that was hosted by Aalto University (Espoo, Finland) on August 27 – 30, 2018.

The Congress provides a topical forum to share the latest results of the metamaterials research in Europe and worldwide, bringing together the engineering, physics, applied mathematics and material science communities working on artificial materials.

Francisk Skorina Gomel State University pioneered the series of scientific conferences Biisotropics, Chiral and Bianisotropics, the second scientific seminar from this series was held in Gomel in 1993. This series of scientific conferences was successful and relevant, had a very high scientific level and was in demand in the scientific community. This line of conferences has existed for 15 years and it was in 2007 that it was transformed into a line of scientific congresses "Metamaterials", which has been successfully continued to the present.

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