Mathematical Methods and Computer Technologies in the Development of Modern Science

Submitted by ias on Thu, 03/25/2021 - 14:14

The XXIV Republican Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates "New Mathematical Methods and Computer Technologies in Design, Production and Scientific Research" was held on the basis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies on March 22-24. The conference is held annually with the aim of summarizing the results of the research work of young specialists, exchange and dissemination of research experience accumulated in the current academic year. Traditionally, the conference is characterized by a variety of presented reports. The interest of students in this event is confirmed by a large number of participants - more than 380 reports from various universities and scientific organizations of Belarus, as well as far abroad countries were presented at the conference.

The conference consisted of a plenary session and the work of five sectional thematic sessions, which corresponded to the priority areas in the development of mathematical methods and information technologies. The forum started with a plenary session. At the beginning, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor S.P. Zhogal began with an introductory speech. He noted the high scientific level of the works presented, the competent formulation of research problems, the significant independence of the search and creative activities of the participants and wished success in conducting sectional scientific discussions. The next speaker at the plenary session was the Head of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L.N. Marchenko with the report "Econometric Modeling". A graduate of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics V.S. Markevich presented for discussion the creative work "Object recognition in photography mode".

Further work of the conference was held in the following sections: «Analytical and numerical methods of research in mathematics», «Mathematical and computer modeling of systems», « Modern information technologies», « Automation of production processes », « First steps in IT». The moderators of the sections were: Ph. D., Professor V. I. Mironenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Yu.V. Malinkovsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor VM Selkin, Ph.D., associate professor A.V. Lubochkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor M. S. Dolinsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor L. N. Marchenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S. F. Maslovich, PhD, Associate Professor D. S. Kuzmenkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Voruev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. V. Mozharovsky, Ph. D., Associate Professor M. I. Zhadan.

For most speakers, participation in the conference is the first step into science. The presented studies contained elements of novelty, were focused on search creativity, in-depth study of the issue under consideration. Individual creativity, intellectual productivity, and the generation of new ideas by students were valuable. The reports received aroused the keen interest of the audience and numerous questions from the participants of the event. In the work of the sections, there was a positive atmosphere, the problems brought up for discussion were discussed and proved with interest.

In the final part of the conference, the organizers thanked both the speakers and the audience for their participation in the event and expressed their hope for their further fruitful work in research area and the field of modern information technologies.

Summing up the results of the past Republican scientific conference of students and postgraduates, the following important aspects of its holding can be highlighted:

  • stimulating students' interest in studying and researching topical problems in the field of mathematical methods and information technology;
  • increasing the prestige and popularization of scientific knowledge and intellectual and creative activity among students;
  • identifying and supporting creative, talented students, giving them the opportunity to declare themselves, encouraging the best achievements;
  • the formation of prerequisites for the social adaptation of students, the development of their communication skills;
  • exchange of experience in order to further improve the level of design and research activities.

An electronic collection of creative works of students based on the results of the XXIV Republican Scientific Conference of students and postgraduates is going to be published.  This collection can be used in the educational process in the future. The best reports were selected in each section of the forum, their authors were awarded with diplomas "For the best sectional report".

We thank the participants of the scientific conference and wish them further success and achievements in the world of science!  

Elena Berezovskaya, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, Executive Secretary of the Conference

Photo report