
  • 05 Jun 2019
    A series of lectures for the teachers,   undergraduates and Master’s degree students of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies was delivered by Dumitru Luca, a well-known scientist, Professor Emeritus of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iasi, Romania). Professor Luca is a longtime friend of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. He is a member of the Romanian, European and American Physical Societies, as well as the European Chemical Society, the author of more than one…
  • 04 Jun 2019
    Agreement of the establishment of a joint scientific Belarusian and Chinese laboratory of electromagnetic metamaterials and technology of multifunctional plasma coatings was signed by Rectors Sergei Khakhomov and Zhang Jun during the visit of GSU delegation to China. Chinese part of the laboratory will be established at the premises of the Faculty of material science, informatics and electronics of Beijing University of Technology, Belarusian part – at the Faculty of physics and Information…
  • 03 Jun 2019
    Meeting of Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergei Khakhomov with Hiroko Kawahara, coordinator of recreation programs for Japanese children in Belarus, Head of One Asia Foundation was held at the National center of artistic creativity of children and youth in Minsk on June 1, 2019. The meeting was devoted to discussion of cooperation within the frames of the project “European and Asian community: interaction aiming at peace and security provision”.  In the first half of the…
  • 31 May 2019
    Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergei Khakhomov and Rector of Nanjing University of science and technologies Fu Menguin opened a Center for Belarusian Studies within the frames of the official visit of GSU delegation to China. According to Professor Khakhomov, friendly partnership relations between Belarus and China are successfully developed and become viable. Establishment of the Center is another step toward rapprochement of these countries. This joint project is meant to…
  • 31 May 2019
    Field practices in Poland, traineeships and dual degrees – these opportunities were offered to the students of the Faculty of Biology of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Oleg Alexandrovich, Professor of the Institute of Biology and environmental protection (Slupsk, Poland), visited our University in May. He delivered several lectures on entomology for the students of the Faculty of Biology, came up with information on the principles of Bologna process applied in the system of education…
  • 29 May 2019
    Delegation of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University visited Xinpu Economic Development Zone of Lianyungang city – a start point of goods delivery from Chine to Europe within the frames of the Belt and Road Initiative. Representatives of GSU visited enterprises “Tianming”, “Cosco”, “Sunrain”, “Lianyungang Yingyou Textile Machinery Co., Ltd” and surveyed production of knowledge-intensive goods: solar cells for water boilers, carbon fiber, port and mining vehicles. A meeting with the leader of…
  • 29 May 2019
    Chinese and Belarusian scientific and technical seminar on creation of new materials and their application was held in Nanjing on May 27, 2019. Researchers from Gomel State University and Nanjing University of science and technologies and representatives of the environmental scientific and technical community of Jiangsu. Scientific reports in fundamental and applied aspects of modern materials science are scheduled in the seminar, as well as presentations on physic-chemical properties of nano…
  • 03 May 2019
    Representatives of Mozyr State Pedagogical University Vice Rector for science T. Palieva and head of the International affairs office O. Dubodel visited Confucius Institute at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on April 30, 2019. This visit was devoted to further development of cooperation in the field of opening of Chinese studies room at Mozyr State Pedagogical University. During the ensuing discussions with directors of Confucius Institute Alexander Rogachev (Belarus) and Wang Lei (…
  • 01 Apr 2019
    On March 29, Gomel branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a meeting with the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Belarus, Ms. Sangita Bagadur. Among those invited was Sergey Sys, Deputy Head of the International Affairs Department. During the meeting, information was presented concerning the educational opportunities for Indian students at the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and the achievements of the university in the academic and scientific fields. The…
  • 01 Apr 2019
    Faculty of history of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University has established close tie with the Faculty of history and the Faculty of Politology and international research of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.  In March Dean of the Faculty of history Nikolay Mezga delivered a course of lectures to the students of Polish university within the frames of Erasmus+ program. The lectures were devoted to the history of the Polish–Soviet War 1919 – 1920 and the Polish national minority at BSSR…