
  • 16 Oct 2020
    An agreement on the opening of a branch of the Department of Optics on the basis of the Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was signed on October 16. Both parties were represented at the signing ceremony by the heads of the institutions - the rector of the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergey Khakhomov and the director of the institute Vitaly Zalessky. Such cooperation will make it possible to implement many joint scientific and technical…
  • 30 Jul 2020
    The Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of F. Skorina GSU took part in the Huawei Better World Summit 2020 remote seminar on July 27-30. It was dedicated to the development of 5G, ICT infrastructure and the digital economy. The sessions covered in detail how information technology is being used to effectively combat the spread of COVID-19, as well as accelerate economic recovery after the pandemic. The invitation to participate was received from the Belarusian representative office…
  • 29 Jul 2020
    Public discussion of the work "Development of high-energy strengthening and welding technologies and organization of production of export-oriented industrial equipment" took place on the basis of Gomselmash OJSC (I.I. Vegera, M.N. Bosyakov, I.L. Pobol, V. G. Zalessky, B. V. Kovalevsky, O. G. Stepuk). The authors of the work, as well as leading scientists and specialists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, representatives of the Ministry of Industry, higher educational institutions…
  • 07 Jul 2020
    As part of the 2020 Innovation Week in Nanjing, Professor Alexander Rogachev, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry at Francisk Skorina State University and the Confucius Institute at our university, received the Jinling Friendship award. This award was presented to 15 foreign experts. In order to thank foreign experts for their contribution to the economic construction and social development of Nanjing, the Nanjing Municipal People's Government established the…
  • 15 Apr 2020
    Republican Scientific Conference “Current issues of physics and technology” will be held online at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on April 23, 2020.  The forum will gather together undergraduates, Master’s degree and PhD students from universities of Belarus and Kazakhstan. More than 250 works have been registered for participation in 4 sections of the conference. Conference materials will be published in a collection of research papers. The 9th forum is organized by the Ministry of…
  • 27 Mar 2020
    Cooperation agreement between Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and Technopark “Korall” was signed by Rector of GSU Sergei Khakhomov and director of Republican unitary service enterprise “Agency for Development & Investment Promotion” Andrei Bobovich. The document makes provisions for long-term cooperation in the area of education, scientific and innovative activity, as well as preparation and realization of joint innovative projects, organization of production, study and pre-…
  • 26 Mar 2020
    On March 25 Gomel State University hosted a work meeting with Sergei Kolesnikov, director of Gomel branch of the International University “MITSO”, and Sergei Poroshin, deputy director. Francisk Skorina Gomel State University was represented by Rector Sergei Khakhomov and director of scientific and research institute of physics and chemistry Alexander Rogachev. The meeting was focused on discussion of a number of issues: cooperation and joint projects of the universities, preparation of GSU to…
  • 24 Feb 2020
    Olga Rudenkova, student of the Faculty of psychology and pedagogics of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University took part in the international educational project “Inclusive culture”, organized by the international organization ShareMusic&Performing Arts in Sweden on January 21 – 25, 2020. Program of the study visit included a number of meetings, educational and cultural events. Traineeship in Sweden became an opportunity to get the best practices of state and charity organizations of…
  • 18 Feb 2020
    Students exchange is a kind of the most pleasant and unique experience that can be achieved while studying at the University. There are numerous traineeship programs abroad, and in Belarus this component is actively promoted. Academic exchange has been established between Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and Valladolid University within the frames of the cooperation agreement. By virtue of this agreement Anisia Sevdaleva, student of the Faculty of foreign languages completed an…
  • 06 Feb 2020
    Daniyar Abidov, Counselor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Belarus, paid an official visit to Gomel region on February 6 – 7, 2020. The schedule of stay was rather ambitious, including visits to Gomel regional executive committee, several higher education institutions of the region and Loyev region. Francisk Skorina Gomel State University was one of the waypoints of the formal visit: a work meeting was held with the first Vice Rector of GSU Andrei Kruk and vice head of the…