
  • 27 Sep 2018
    Representatives of the Chinese company «JJL International Education Exchange Promotion Ltd» («JJL») visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on September 26, 2018. During the meeting with Rector Sergei Khakhomov the guests got familiar with the activities of Gomel State University, discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation, as well as broadening the opportunities for the Chinese citizens to study at GSU, development of joint projects, participation in The Belt and Road Initiative (…
  • 19 Sep 2018
    The representatives of American Association for the Advancement of Science – Eve Nimkar (“Delta Community Credit Union”, Atlanta, the USA) and Dr Jason McNaughten delivered lectures “Psychology of business and management” and “Positive / of depression” to the students of the Faculty of Psychology and pedagogy on September 13, 2018. After the lectures the scholars of GSU and their American colleagues attended a seminar devoted to the discussion of the relevant issues in the sector of psychology.
  • 04 Sep 2018
    Human rights in detail, imitation of court hearings, acquaintance with the real picture of refugees in Belarus... Yurtaman Gylyjov, a student of the Law faculty of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University took part in the 1st Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights. "Only 27 people were selected to participate in the educational project organized by the UNHCR Office in Belarus," the student said. "In order to be elected, we had to prepare and study thoroughly the refugee problem. The three-day…
  • 23 Jul 2018
    High quality education at a relatively low cost of education, comfortable and safe stay in our country, the possibility of in-depth study of the Russian language for a successful future career attract students from China to study in Belarusian universities. At the meeting with the rector of the state University of education Sergey Khakhomov said the General Manager of the educational programs of the company Weland International Angelo Khan. His visit to the University took place within the…
  • 10 Jul 2018
    Associate Professor of the Department of criminal law and procedure of the faculty of law Irina Sinitsa and educational psychologist Olga Medvedeva took part in the II international summer school "Inequality of educational opportunities: research and educational policy", held from 1 to 6 June at the National research University "Higher school of Economics" (Moscow, Russian Federation). The summer school was devoted to modern studies of socio-economic inequality in education and the mechanisms…