
  • 22 Mar 2021
    The Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of F. Skorina Gomel State University took part in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems and Prospects for the Development of Physical Education, Health and Professional Training of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports" organized by the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanova (Kiev, Ukraine) on March 18-19. This scientific event was opened by the rector of the…
  • 16 Mar 2021
    On March 11-13, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of F. Skorina Gomel State University took part in the XXII International Symposium “East – Russia – West. Physical Education, sports and a healthy lifestyle in the XXI century "in the online format. This scientific event was opened by Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education, Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia…
  • 12 Mar 2021
    More than thirty authoritative researchers from Belarus, Poland and Russia are taking part in this conference, which was organized by the Faculty of History of the F. Skorina State University. Among the researchers there are 12 doctors and 16 candidates of historical sciences. Large scientific centers of the three states are represented, that are actively studying international relations of the interwar period. These are the universities of Moscow, Warsaw, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Torun, Smolensk…
  • 09 Mar 2021
    The third stage of the second season of the «Educational Robotics Cup» competition took place on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of the Skorina State University on March 6. The Educational Robotics Cup is a series of tournaments that are held in various cities of the Republic of Belarus. The goal of the Cup is to popularize and promote the development of robotics in Belarus. The general organization of the Educational Robotics Cup is carried out by the…
  • 05 Mar 2021
    University rankings are a modern tool for integrating a university into the global educational space. Webometrics , one of the largest international rankings of higher education institutions, was updated at the end of January. This time the rating was compiled according to a new method: previously, universities were assessed according to four indicators, and now - according to three. The main assessment criteria are the presence of the university on the Internet and the citation of scientific…
  • 02 Mar 2021
    As a part of preparation for the introductory school practice using ICT of the third year students in an educational institution GEORG-VON-LANGEN-SCHULE (Holzminden , Germany) the first online meeting took place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages on February 26. The meeting was attended by teachers of the Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, students of the faculty and German partners Michael Schindewolf, Frank Hischer and Anya Beckmann(they are responsible for the Belarusian-German…
  • 01 Mar 2021
    On February 25, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy Vladislav Beizerov took part in a regular meeting of the national group of experts on higher education reform, chaired by First Deputy Minister of Education Irina Starovoitova. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the National Office of the Erasmus + Program in the Republic of Belarus. The agenda of the meeting, which was held online, included issues related to summing up the work of…
  • 25 Feb 2021
    1st year students of the Faculty of History of the specialty “Language Maintenance of Intercultural Communication .International Tourism ”took part in the International Online Olympiad for students of higher educational institutions, organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Mari State University (Russian Federation) on the topic“ Countries of the European Union ”. The questions of the Olympiad were of a historical and cultural nature and designed to check the erudition of the…
  • 05 Feb 2021
    On February 1st, in order to improve the level of training of specialists in intercultural communications, interpreters-referents at the Faculty of History of the University, a new department of Intercultural communications and International tourism began to work. To develop a new direction of activity, the teachers of the department - the Head of the Department Tatyana Viktorovna Pochinok, a senior teacher Viktoria Yuryevna Sobolevich and a teacher Tatyana Ivanovna Ostapenko, underwent online…
  • 02 Feb 2021
    On February, 2 at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, F. Skorina GSU, master's degrees were awarded to the graduates in a solemn atmosphere. By the decision of the state examination commission 18 undergraduates of the correspondence form of study were awarded a master's degree, the specialities "Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing" and "Psychology". This was preceded by a one and a half year course of study in the magistracy. The overwhelming majority of topics of master's theses…