
  • 26 Mar 2020
    On March 25 Gomel State University hosted a work meeting with Sergei Kolesnikov, director of Gomel branch of the International University “MITSO”, and Sergei Poroshin, deputy director. Francisk Skorina Gomel State University was represented by Rector Sergei Khakhomov and director of scientific and research institute of physics and chemistry Alexander Rogachev. The meeting was focused on discussion of a number of issues: cooperation and joint projects of the universities, preparation of GSU to…
  • 02 Feb 2020
    Webometrics - Ranking Web of Universities has published the updated data, according to which Francisk Skorina Gomel State University makes the top 5 universities of Belarus. As for the position in the world ranking, GSU demonstrates positive trends:  in comparison with July 2019 the University has risen 152 points – from 3910 to 3758 ranking in the 13% best world educational institutions. More than 28000 educational institutions are involved in Webometrics ranking. According to the Ranking web…
  • 02 Feb 2020
    The rating of world universities Webometrics has published updated data, according to which the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University became the fourth among the best universities in Belarus. Compared to January 2020, the university rose in the world ranking by 417 points, from 3758th to 3341st place, and entered the 12% of the best educational institutions in the world. In total, the Webometrics ranking includes more than 28 thousand educational institutions. According to the ranking, the…
  • 17 Jul 2019
    New specialities of the Faculty of economics “Business Administration” and “Informatics for Economics” are available for the next academic year at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Detailed information for these specialities: Business administration Specialization: Anti-crisis enterprise management Qualification: manager-economist Terms of studies: 4 years   Employment opportunities Enterprises of small, medium and large business of various forms of…
  • 12 Jul 2019
    The XI International Tournament of Young Mathematicians was held in Barcelona (Spain) in July. Two teams from Belarus took part in it and earned golden and silver medals. Pupils of Gymnasium No.71 Alexander Pechenkin and Andrey Goncharenko (team Belarus-1) participated in this contest under supervision of the senior lecturer of the Department of algebra and geometry of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Vyacheslav Murashko. This year the tournament in Barcelona gathered 15 teams from 10…
  • 05 Jul 2019
    Summer school of informatics, robotechnics and English language «INFORMATICS AND ROBOTICS WITH ENGLISH-COURSE DRIVE – 2019» was organized by the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies and the Faculty of foreign languages of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in July.  Participants of the School increased their knowledge in the areas of robotics, computer science, English, visited museums of GSU (Flora and Fauna Museum, Museum of Olympic Glory, Confucius Cabinet, Museum "…
  • 27 Jun 2019
    At the invitation of the educational institution East-West-East Germany Hague Organization (Kranenburg-Nütterden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), with the support of Gomel Association of Children and Youth "ASDEMO", a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Geology and Geography Timofey Levintsov took part in the event of the youth exchange program within the frames of the EU program ERASMUS + “Gender Issues”. 20 representatives from 7 countries took part in the event: Belarus, Poland, Austria,…
  • 05 Jun 2019
    A series of lectures for the teachers,   undergraduates and Master’s degree students of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies was delivered by Dumitru Luca, a well-known scientist, Professor Emeritus of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iasi, Romania). Professor Luca is a longtime friend of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. He is a member of the Romanian, European and American Physical Societies, as well as the European Chemical Society, the author of more than one…
  • 03 May 2019
    Representatives of Mozyr State Pedagogical University Vice Rector for science T. Palieva and head of the International affairs office O. Dubodel visited Confucius Institute at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on April 30, 2019. This visit was devoted to further development of cooperation in the field of opening of Chinese studies room at Mozyr State Pedagogical University. During the ensuing discussions with directors of Confucius Institute Alexander Rogachev (Belarus) and Wang Lei (…
  • 29 Apr 2019
    Students and postgraduates of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics took part in the International scientific Olympiad in pedagogics at Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (Minsk). Team of the students of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics won the 1st prize according to the results of the International scientific Olympiad in pedagogics among 11 universities of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.