International activity

  • 22 Oct 2019
    In-Service Training Workshop for Confucius Institute Directors  was held at the Xiamen University on October 16 – 24, 2019. Oleg Demidenko, Vice Rector for science of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University took part in this event, that gathered representatives from more than 30 countries – Japan, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, Great Britain, Portugal, Poland, Malta, Italy, Ukraine, Belarus, the USA, Brazil, Australia, China and other states. The…
  • 21 Oct 2019
    Representatives of the China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park Cao Chen and Nadezhda Krukovskaya spoke at the meeting with the students of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on October 17. The representatives of the Industrial Park made a presentation on its structure, aims and plans for development. It is planned to site the industrial and living areas, offices and shopping malls, financial and scientific and research centers at…
  • 15 Oct 2019
    International conference «Słowiaṅska frazeologia gwarowa II» was held at the Jagiellonian University, the oldest University of Poland. Linguists from Poland, Serbia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, the USA entertained a suggestion of the Department of history of language and dialectology of the Jagiellonian University to participate in the discussion of the current problems of dialect phraseology and phraseography. Head of the Department of Russian, general and Slavic…
  • 15 Oct 2019
    X International Conference of Colloquia Russica “Diplomatic activity of medieval Rus (X – XVI cc)” was held at the Collegium Maius, the oldest building of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland) from October 9 to 11, 2019. The scientific event was organized by the Institute of history of the Jagiellonian University, Museum of the Jagiellonian University and the scientific society of historians – students of the Jagiellonian University. Scholars from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia,…
  • 15 Oct 2019
    Delegation of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University headed by the first vice-rector Andrei Kruk took part in the international scientific and practical conference on education law from October 9 to 12 in Vilnius at Vytautas Magnus University. The conference became a concluding event of the International project EduLAw ‘Introducing modules on law and rights in programmes of teacher training and educational sciences: a contribution to building rights-based education systems in countries in…
  • 08 Oct 2019
    On October 3-5, the delegation of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University  participated in the International Scientific and Pedagogical Forum “Digital Transformation in Ethno-cultural Education: Challenges of the Present” (Yoshkar-Ola). The forum was held at Mari State University. The forum gathered more than 100 participants from 20 cities of Russia and 4 countries: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Belarus. GSU representatives took part in the grand opening and the plenary session of the…
  • 07 Oct 2019
     From September 16 to 22, teachers of the Department of Finance and Credit of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University  associate professor Larisa Dergun; senior lecturer Tatyana Ivanova and senior lecturer Tatyana Sherdakova had a  traineeship within the frames of the European Union mobility project MOST at the Faculty of Accounting of the University of Economics – Varna with the aim of mutual exchange of experience in organization of educational and methodical work and scientific research,…
  • 03 Oct 2019
    From October 3 to 4, Sergei Khakhomov, Rector of the Unibersity  takes part in the II Forum of the regions of Belarus and Ukraine in Zhytomyr. On October 3, bilateral meetings of Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University were held with the leaders of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. During the meeting, cooperation agreements were signed with these Universities. These agreements provide for the development and implementation of…
  • 24 Sep 2019
    Alejandro Fuentes, professor of Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Lund, Sweden) gave a lecture and a seminar class to the 3rd and 4th year students of the Law Faculty within the frames of the memorandum for cooperation between the Universities. The lecture was devoted to the European system of human rights. During the seminar, court decisions of the European Court of Minorities and other vulnerable groups were examined. Students took an active part in the…
  • 23 Sep 2019
    Alejandro Fuentes, professor of Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Lund, Sweden) gave a lecture and a seminar class to the 3rd and 4th year students of the Law Faculty within the frames of the memorandum for cooperation between the Universities. The lecture was devoted to the European system of human rights. During the seminar, court decisions of the European Court of Minorities and other vulnerable groups were examined. Students took an active part in the…