International activity

  • 29 Mar 2019
    The document was signed by Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergei Khakhomov and Vice Rector of Beijing Institute of Technology, an honorary doctor of GSU Dr Wang Xiaofeng during the visit of Chinese  delegation to our University.    The document indicates more than 10 positions on which the interaction will be carried out. Particular attention will be paid to the expansion of scientific cooperation. The priority areas are focused on metamaterials, vacuum methods for forming…
  • 29 Mar 2019
    One of the major direction of all Confucius Institutes is extension of the scope of application of Chinese language and culture within the course of establishment of centers and Chinese studies rooms in educational institutions. Nowadays Chinese language is taught as a facultative discipline in three gymnasiums – No. 10, 71 and Irininskaya gymnasium, two schools – No. 44 and 72, and in gymnasium No. 56 named after A.A. Vishnevsky Chinese language is studied as a foreign language.  Mozyr State…
  • 13 Mar 2019
    Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University is developing international cooperation with organizations of various countries. A work meeting has been held at Palermo University (Italy) on the project “Spectroscope properties of composite luminescent sol-gel materials from application in solar cells”. It is implemented within the frames of the program of Central European Initiative (CEI Know-how Exchange Programm). The program involves Gomel State…
  • 06 Mar 2019
    Delegation from the International University SILKWAY (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University at the beginning of March – Head of the department of pedagogy and primary education methodology Rabiga Ismanova, senior lecturer of the department of pedagogy and primary education methodology Meryuert Ashimova, senior lecturer of the department of Russian language and literature Gulnaz Parmenkulova and senior lecturer of the department of Russian language and literature…
  • 05 Mar 2019
    Representatives of the Faculty of extramural studies of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Nikolay Galinovsky and Timur Borodich took part in the international scientific and methodological online conference “The Sixth Universality of Global Educational Conference 2019” held at Sam Houston State University (USA).  More than 30 representatives took part in the plenary session, among them – participants from Moscow State University, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (Russia), Minsk…
  • 28 Feb 2019
    Conquering space, investigations in the field of astronomy and air mechanics were discussed at the Faculty of physics and information technologies of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. A lecturer from Samara National Research University Eugene Chursin delivered a lecture to the students of the Faculty.  Cooperation between our Universities has started seven years ago and resulted in establishment of academic mobility and experience of joint projects. With assistance of Rossotrudnichestvo…
  • 07 Feb 2019
    Post-graduate student of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies Alexey Rusykin and master’s degree students Dmitry Slepenkov and Alina Parakhnevich will spent a semester at the University of Palermo (Italy).  Studies at the University of Palermo are available due to cooperation with Francisk Skorina Gomel State University and participation of the Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies in the international programme Erasmus+. It guarantees a scholarship that will cover the…
  • 31 Jan 2019
    Meeting of the students from Shanghai Industry and Commerce Foreign Language College with Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Doctor of physics and mathematics, docent Sergei Khakhomov was held on January 30, 2019. The students will receive training at GSU with a specialization in “Russian philology” and get Bachelor diploma in two years. Cooperation with Gomel State University and Shanghai Industry and Commerce Foreign Language College was established long ago. An official…
  • 11 Dec 2018
    Representatives of the Department of economics and management of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Inna Babyna and Yulia Pronuzo took part in the conference “Belarus within the context of integration processes in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe”, organized by European research association “Oikonomos”  in Vilnius. Participation in the conference afforded an opportunity to extend business contacts with scientific society of the countries of the Eastern partnership and discuss…
  • 11 Dec 2018
    The 2nd International week was held from November 19 – 24, 2018 under the initiative of the Faculty of Finance at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Head of the Department of finances and credit Olga Bashlakova and professor of the Department of finances and credit Sergei Kamornikov took part in this event. Workshops and lectures were organized by the lecturers from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, France and Scotland. International Conference «…