International activity

  • 05 Jul 2018
    On July 5, the Rector of the University Sergei Khakhomov had a meeting with the students from the Czech Republic who came to the State University within the framework of the International Summer School of Russian Language ALBARUTHENIA. To increase the level of Russian language proficiency, get acquainted with the culture and traditions of a foreign land, make new friends - each of the guests of our university pursues these goals within two weeks of interesting classes, excursions, competitions…
  • 07 Jun 2018
    Upon completion of the foreign internship at the University of Kyoto, which is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, the teacher-trainee of the Department of radio physics and electronics Fanyaev Igor Alexandrovich held optional classes in the academic discipline for the specialty 1-31 04 03 Physical electronics on "Manufacturing of three - dimensional micro-and nanostructures" for students of the 2nd year of full-time education. During the classes, students were introduced to new…