Faculty of Foreign Languages

Логотип факультета иностранных языков ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Address: 246019, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya Str., 102 (Build. 5)
Tel: +375-232 50-38-57
E-mail: sazhina@gsu.by
Site: http://forlangnew.gsu.by/
Декан факультета иностранных языков ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины САЖИНА Елена Владимировна


SAZHYNA Elena Vladimirovna,
PhD in philology, associate professor
Tel: +375-232 50-38-57
E-mail: sazhina@gsu.by
Adress: 246019, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya Str., 102, Room 5-28

History reference

Факультет иностранных языков ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

The faculty dates back to 1993, when the Department of Foreign Languages was opened at the Faculty of Philology, and on July 1, 1998 it was transformed into an independent faculty. Until 2016, the Dean of the Faculty was L. Bannikova, PhD in pedagogics, associate professor. Since September 2016, Sazhina E.V., PhD in philology, associate professor, has been Dean of the faculty.

Faculty today

Teaching foreign languages is organised according to the personal communicative-oriented approach.
Widely used:

  • design methodology;
  • training in collaboration;
  • problem tasks.

Факультет иностранных языков ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

Lecturers use the latest technology and methods for conducting practical and lecture classes. The faculty has modern computer classes, audio and video libraries in foreign languages.

The faculty has close scientific and educational relations with cultural departments of the embassies of Great Britain, Germany, the USA and France, through which students and teachers of the faculty participate in many exchange programs.

The faculty cooperates with N.V. Gogol Nizhyn State University, Chernihiv State University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow State Regional University, RUDN University.

Every year more than 650 students study at the faculty, 183 of whom are foreign students.

71 lecturers, including 2 Doctors of Philology, 1 professor, 11 PhDs take part in the educational process.


The faculty unites students who have decided to connect their lives with the study of the main European languages: English, German and French. The departments of the faculty prepare teachers who possess both theoretical and linguistic knowledge and practical methodological skills.

Факультет иностранных языков ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

Form and duration of studies - full-time education (4 years), part-time education (5 years).
The faculty prepares teachers of foreign languages. Training is organised in the following specialties:

  • 1 - 02 03 06 - Foreign languages (English, German (French))
  • 1 - 02 03 06 - Foreign languages (German, English)

The faculty prepares masters in the speciality 1-21 80 03 – “Germanic Languages (English, German)”.
Graduates are awarded the academic degree “Master”.

Full-time education. The term of study is 1 year.


  • 1 - 02 03 06 Foreign languages (English, German (French))
  • 1 - 02 03 06 Foreign languages (German, English)
  • 1 - 02 03 08 Foreign languages (English) (part-time, part-time short-course education

Scientific areas

The faculty conducts research in the field of lexicology and the history of Germanic languages, pronunciation culture, information and interactive technologies for teaching foreign languages. The results of scientific research are reported monthly by lecturers at meetings of the interdepartmental scientific seminar “Actual Problems of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”, and are also published in the faculty collection of scientific articles “Issues of Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”.

Every year the faculty holds the International scientific conference “Actual Problems of Romano-Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”, where representatives of leading universities from Russia, Ukraine, the USA and Belarus take an active part.