Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

Логотип факультета психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины


Address: 246019, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya Str., 102, Room 5-25
Phone: +375-232-57-98-86
E-mail: psihfac@gsu.by
Site: http://psi.gsu.by
Декан факультета психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины БЕЙЗЕРОВ Владислав Александрович


BEIZEROV Vladislav Alexandrovich,
PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor
Phone: +375-232-57-98-86
E-mail: bejzerov@gsu.by

History reference

The faculty, which was originally called the Faculty of Pre-university Training and Career Guidance, was created in October 1991 on the basis of the Preparatory Department that had been functioning since 1969.

The Faculty of Pre-university Training and Career Guidance, established in 1991, was headed by the PhD in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor Gavrilyuk A.V. It included the Department of Psychological Diagnostics and Pre-university Training, headed by the PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor A. Lytko, and the Preparatory Department, which was headed by the PhD in Philology, associate professor V. Yatsukhno.

On September 1, 1994, the Department of Psychological Diagnostics and Pre-University Training was renamed into the Department of Psychology and Pre-University Training in connection with the replenishment of the faculty by psychologists who came from the Department of Pedagogy.
Факультет психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

Since 1997, the faculty corrected its name and became the Faculty of Psychology and Pre-university Training. Over the years, the faculty was headed by PhD, associate professor Yatsukhno V.I .; Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S. Kamornikov; PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor Gapanovich-Kaydalov N.V.

Since 1997, students have been recruited for the speciality "Psychology". In 1998, training was opened in the speciality “Social pedagogy. Practical psychology".

On February 1, 2010, the Faculty of Psychology and Pre-university Training was divided into two: the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy and the Faculty of Pre-university Training and Education of Foreign Students. The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy was headed by the PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor Koshman Mikhail Grigorievich. In January 2014, PhD, associate professor V.A. Beizerov was appointed Dean of the Faculty.

In 2014, the speciality "Social pedagogy" was opened, and in 2016 - "Social work".

Over the years, the academician of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor Ivan Fedorovich Kharlamov, Doctor of Pedagogy, professor Mikhail Afanasevich Dmitriev worked at the faculty.

Faculty today

Currently, nearly 500 students are being trained at the 1st stage of higher education in 3 specialities and 3 specializations (“Pedagogical Psychology”, “Social Psychology”, “Sports Psychology”). The faculty annually trains about 100 undergraduates and 10 graduate students,including foreign citizens (from China, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Russia).

Факультет психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

The faculty employs more than 40 lecturers, including 20 PhDs and 2 doctors.

Факультет психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. СкориныFrom 2013 to 2018, 6 branches of the departments were opened: SEI Gymnasium No. 10 of Gomel (2012), EI “L.S. Vygotsky Gomel State Pedagogical College"(2012); State Educational Institution “Gomel Regional Center for Correctional Development Education and Rehabilitation” (2014); State Institution “Gomel Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health” (2015); State Institution "Gomel City Social and Pedagogical Center" (2016); State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 26 of Gomel”.

To the applicant

Why is it worth entering the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy?

You will be able to successfully combine higher education, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

You will learn about the possibilities of man and how to contribute to his development and implementation in life.

The speciality, received at the faculty, will allow you to use the acquired knowledge and skills to improve the quality of your own life and help people become happier.
Факультет психологии и педагогики ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины

Studying at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy will allow you to develop communication skills, discover new things in yourself and others.
Thanks to the acquired profession, you will be able to work in any sector of the economy (the education system, in the structures of the Ministries of the Interior, Health, private enterprises, etc.)

You can change yourself and the world for the better!

Graduates of the faculty work in institutions of education, health care, social protection, and also hold leadership positions in executive bodies, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies and other structures.