Address: 246019, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Sovetskaya Str., 104, Room 3-24
Phone: +375 (232) 51-01-23
KOSTENKO Andrey Konstantinovich,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Phone: +375 (232) 51-01-23
History reference
The history of the faculty begins in 1969, when the speciality "Labour Economics" was highlighted as part of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Since the first enrollment in 1969, the faculty has been developing dynamically and in 1976 the number of students reached 870 (full-time education) and 800 at the correspondence department. This development was facilitated by the fact that for a long time the faculty was the only one in the country that trained specialists in labour economics and engineer-economists, as well as the successful work of lecturers and employees of the faculty, students in all areas of educational, scientific, social and sports work contributed to this.
In 1983, professor Vladimir Denisovich Areshchenko was elected Dean of the faculty.
In 1991, the faculty was headed by Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Tamara Vasilievna Karpey. Under her leadership, the faculty adapted to the requirements of market economy, new specialties and specializations demanded by economy were opened.
In 2004, the Associate Professor, PhD Vladislav Aleksandrovich Shchepov was appointed Dean of the faculty. In 2012, V. A. Shchepov left the faculty in connection with his election as a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
From 2012 to the present, the faculty has been headed by Assistant Professor, PhD Andrey Konstantinovich Kostenko.
During the existence of the faculty, more than 9 thousand highly qualified specialists in economics have graduated, who today play a significant role in the development of economy of the region and the Republic of Belarus.
Faculty today
The Faculty of Economics of F. Skorina State University is one of the oldest faculties in Belarus, which train highly qualified specialists in economics.
Preparation is carried out in 6 specialties of the 1st stage.
The faculty has all the conditions for obtaining knowledge and professional competencies. Students have three computer classes at their disposal, equipped with modern hardware and software. Multimedia equipment is used to demonstrate the teaching material at classes.
The faculty actively interacts with enterprises of the real sector of economy, banks and public administration bodies, which become bases providing students with internships and subsequently providing jobs for young specialists.
- Economics and national economy
- Finance, money circulation and credit
- Accounting, statistics
- Economic theory
- Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics
Today, our university is represented by a multinational student family. More than 80 foreign students from Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and other countries study at the faculty.
Much attention is paid to student science. Our students regularly become laureates and winners of national and international scientific competitions, are awarded prizes of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Supporting Talented Youth
More than 600 students study at the faculty.
The faculty offers training in Master’s Programs and Postgraduate Studies in the following specialities:
- 1-25 01 03 World Economy
- 1-25 01 04 Finance and Credit
- 1-25 01 07 Economics and Enterprise Management
- 1-25 01 08 Accounting, Analysis and Audit (in areas)
- 1-25 01 08 01 Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Banks
- 1-25 01 08 02 Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Budget Organizations
- 1-25 01 08 03 Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Commercial and Non-commercial Organizations
- 1-25 01 10 Commercial Activities
- 1-26 01 01 Public Administration
- 1-26 02 01 Business Administration - Recruitment in 2019
- 1-25 01 12 Economic Informatics - Recruitment in 2019
- World Economy 1-25 01 03 Management of Foreign Economic Activity. Foreign Trade and Commercial Activity
- Finance and Credit 1-25 01 04 Finance. Banking
- Economics and Enterprise Management 1-25 01 07 Labour Economics. Economics and Legal Support of Economic Activity
- Accounting, Analysis and Audit (in areas) 1-25 01 08
- Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Banks 1-25 01 08 01
- Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Budget Organizations 1-25 01 08 02
- Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Commercial and Non-profit Organizations 1-25 01 08 03 Accounting, Analysis and Audit in Foreign Economic Activity
- Commercial Activities 1-25 01 10 Commercial Activities in the Foreign Market
- Public Administration 1-26 01 01
Scientific areas
The faculty has created and successfully develops the classical scientific and pedagogical school of economic theory, methodology of economic science and the history of economic teaching of Professor Nauchitel M.V., founded in the early 70s.
Professor, Doctor in Economics Mikhail Veniaminovich Nauchitel in 1971 was invited to the Department of Political Economy of Gomel State University. From 1971 to 1990 he worked as Vice-rector for scientific work, Professor of the Department of Political Economy, Economic Theory.
Under his leadership, 27 PhDs and 6 Doctors of Sciences were trained
Over 200 scientific papers have been published, including about 20 monographs.
As one of the authors and responsible editors of the textbook “History of Economic Doctrines” (published by Visshaya Shkola, Minsk, 1984), in 1986 he was awarded the Diploma of Honour of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR.
The main areas of research were:
- The development of economic theory in the XXth century (the evolution of methodology, main directions and schools, their concepts and doctrines).
- Conceptual approaches to the study of transformation processes in socio-economic systems; formation of institutional structures.
Currently, the main emphasis in research conducted within the framework of the school's theme has been placed on the theoretical justification of transition economy as a special stage in the development of the socio-economic system associated with the transformation of economic relations and the search for civilizational models of post-industrial development of society.
Each department of the faculty does research in the framework of its subject area. At the same time, the scope of the research includes both the issues of improving conceptual models and the solution of specific methodological and applied problems. The main priorities in the scientific interests at present are as follows: innovation in economy; international economic cooperation, investment and economic integration, regional development, enterprise development.