The "Winter school" of Lomonosov Moscow State University has completed its work

Submitted by ias on Mon, 01/31/2022 - 13:01

On January 28, 2022, the defense of media projects took place at the "Winter School of Journalism and Media Communication" of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the participants of which were three students of the Philological Faculty of the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University: Anastasia Britova, Nadezhda Kovalevich and Tatiana Piminenkova. For two weeks, we listened to lectures by leading teachers of the Faculty of Journalism and developed author's media projects under the guidance of MSU teachers.

The participants of this important international educational event shared their impressions.

Anastasia Britova: Thank you for the opportunity to the faculty and the university. It's a great experience.

The exam was held in the form of a media project defense. Each team had to present a project on a relevant topic, take an interview, decipher it. Alina Levchenko from Kazakhstan, Kamila Inogamova from Uzbekistan and Zarif Katsiev from Kyrgyzstan worked with me on the project on the rights of journalists. When everyone spoke, the jury distributed the votes and announced the three main projects that the judges liked the most (I'll tell you a secret: mine is among them). But the first place was taken by another team, which was given the opportunity to train full-time at Moscow State University in a certain period. All participants of the "Winter School" will receive certificates.

Nadezhda Kovalevich: Today we presented our media projects. I really liked this kind of work, because there was a place for creativity, and it's clearly more interesting than the exam. Link my project "Follow the White Rabbit": .

I liked the courses and proved to be a valuable experience for me. I felt the level of the capital's university by how easily the teachers communicated with us and presented their lectures in an accessible way. I definitely do not regret that I took part in the Winter School: in addition to knowledge in the field of journalism, I gained experience in developing and creating a media project.

Tatiana Piminenkova: "Winter School– is undoubtedly an irreplaceable experience. We can apply the acquired knowledge literally from tomorrow, and the projects that we managed to create during the training process will become an integral part of each participant's portfolio.

Working on projects helped to get acquainted with guys from other countries and universities. We worked together, exchanged knowledge and skills, put everything into practice.

Thank you for the opportunity and experience!

Photo report