Gomel State University 1984 – 1991
Since the graduation from the postgraduate school, he has been working at Gomel State University: since 1995, as an assistant at the Department of General Physics, since 1997, as a senior lecturer, since 1998, as an assistant professor, from 2003 to 2009, as the Head of the Department of Optics, and from 2009 to 2010 as the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, from 2010 to 2014 – the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, from September 2014 to June 2016 – the First Vice-Rector. Since June 15, 2016 – the Rector of the Educational Establishment “Francisk Skorina Gomel State University”.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2018), Associate Professor (2000).
- Mechanics
- Molecular Physics
- Solid-state Physics
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the BSSR for the best scientific work of students in the field of natural, technical and human sciences (1991).
- Scholarship for young scientists of the International Radio Engineering Union URSI (1999).
- Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for a talented young scientist, a winner of the open competition held by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2000).
- Laureate of Skorina Scientific Readings at F. Skorina GSU (2000).
- Queen Jadwiga Foundation Scholarship, Jagiellonian University (2002).
- Diploma of the Gomel Regional Council of Deputies (2002).
- Certificate of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2014).
- Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2017).
- Certificate of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Professional Union of Education and Science (2017).
- Diploma of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus (2017).
- Diploma of the winner of the competition for the best doctoral dissertation of the Republic of Belarus in the nomination "Natural Sciences" for the dissertation "Wave processes in metamaterials and spirally structured systems" (2018).
- Diploma of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee (2020).
- Anniversary diploma of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee in honor of the 85th anniversary of the Gomel region and for great personal contribution to the socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region (2023).
- Certificate of honor from the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Belarus (2023).
- Certificate of honor from the Gomel Regional Association of Trade Unions (2023).
- Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Forestry and the Gomel Industrial Forestry Association (2024)
He spoke at international scientific conferences in Russia, Ukraine, Japan, China, Canada, Morocco and Western Europe.
Khakhomov S.A. was the performer of the joint international project of the INTAS program and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Electrodynamics of new artificial bianisotropic composite materials” (95-821 INTAS-RFBR). Scientists from Belarus, Russia, Finland, Germany and the UK participated in this project.
Was the executor of the project manager of the INTAS international program among young scientists (YSF 98-43) "Microwave properties of new artificial complex composite materials." He was the performer of the TRANSFERR (TRANSition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way to ward superior FERRoic properties) within the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union.
S.A. Khakhomov belongs to the scientific school in the field of optics and acoustics of anisotropic and gyrotropic media, created in Belarus and at Gomel University by such Academicians as F.I. Fedorov and B.V. Bokut. Scientific interests are concentrated in the field of optics and acoustics of crystals and artificial anisotropic structures. He is the author of more than 400 scientific and scientific-methodical works, which include 4 monographs, 20 chapters in books, 27 methods handbooks and reference books, more than 120 scientific articles in journals, more than 80 scientific and scientific-methodical articles in conference collections, 8 patents. Sergei Khakhomov is a scientific supervisor of one PhD student.
Among the patents there is “Method and device for rotating the plane of polarization of the ultrasonic wave,” “Method and device for amplifying the ultrasonic wave,” “Device for measuring the ellipticity of the transverse acoustic wave,” “Device for measuring the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the acoustoelectric element,” “Device for converting polarization of the electromagnetic wave” and others.
S.A. Khakhomov is a member of the Belarusian Physical Society (1999), a corresponding member of the International Union of Radio Science (2000), a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Inter-Academy Association. He was invited to give lectures at the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), Shizuoka University (Hamamatsu, Japan), Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Nanjing, China), Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing, China), to Baoding University (Baoding, China), to ITMO University (St. Petersburg, Russia). Honorary Professor at Baoding University (Baoding, China) since 2023.
He was the coordinator of the Eastern Partnership in Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education and Centers of Excellence for young RESearchers project within TEMPUS.
He is editor-in-chief of the journal "Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Technology", the journal “Proceedings of F. Skorina Gomel State University", member of the editorial board of the journal "Higher School", member of the editorial board of the journal "Central European Researchers Journal."
- Spatial acoustic waves in crystals in the rotating electric field: monograph / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 1998. - 150 p.
ISBN 985-08-0274-x - Electromagnetic waves in metamaterials and helical structures: monograph / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2019. - 279 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2522-3 - 宋耀良 (Song Yaoliang), [白] 意格里·西姆琴科(Igor Semchenko), [白] 谢尔盖·哈霍莫夫 (Sergei Khakhomov), 王 雷 著 (Wang Lei), 手性电磁超材料设计 Design of the Chiral Metamaterials, –Tsinghua University Press, 2021. – 297 p.
- Khakhomov S., Semchenko I., Demidenko O., Kovalenko D. (Editors) , Research and Education: Traditions and Innovations, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 422, Springer, 2022, 379 p.
- Yaoliang Song, Igor Semchenko, Sergei Khakhomov, Lei Wang. The Design of Chiral Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Elsevier, 2025. – 268 p.
Teaching aids
- Goldade V.A., Semchenko A.V., Khakhomov S.A. Solid State Physics, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, 2023, part 1 – 272 p.
- Goldade V.A., Semchenko A.V., Khakhomov S.A. Solid State Physics, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, 2023, part 2 – 236 p.
Book Chapters
- The influence of induced chiral properties on the transformation of polarization of acoustic waves in piezoelectric semiconductors / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov // Advances in Complex Electromagnetic Materials / Ed.by A. Priou [et al.]. – Kluwer Academic Publishers. – 1997. – P. 219 - 226.
- Propagation of electromagnetic waves in artificial anisotropic uniform and twisted omega-structures / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov // Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials / Ed. by Said Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola and Mohamed Arsalane, Kluwer Academic Publishers. – 2002. – P. 197 – 210.
- The competition of Bragg reflection and Fresnel's reflection of electromagnetic waves in the artificial helicoidal bianisortropic media with local chirality / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov // Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials / Ed. by Said Zouhdi,Ari Sihvola and Mohamed Arsalane, Kluwer Academic Publishers. – 2002. – P. 307 – 318.
- Effective electron model of the wire helix excitation at microwaves: first step to optimization of pitch angle of helix / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, E. A. Fedosenko // Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials / Ed. by Said Zouhdi, Ari Sihvola and Mohamed Arsalane, Kluwer Academic Publishers. – 2002. – P. 245 – 258.
- The effective optimal parameters of metamaterial on the base of omega-elements / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, A.L. Samofalov, M.A. Podalov, Q. Songsong // Recent Global Research and Education: Technological Challenges / Ed. by Ryszard Jablonski and Roman Szewczyk, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 519, Springer. – 2017. – P. 3 – 9.
- Ferroelectric Properties of Nanostructured SBTN Sol-Gel Layers / V. V. Sidsky, A. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, A. N. Morozovska, N. V. Morozovsky, V. V. Kolos, A. S. Turtsevich, A. N. Pyatlitski, Yu M. Pleskachevsky, S. V. Shil’ko, E. M. Petrokovets // Recent Global Research and Education: Technological Challenges / Ed. by Ryszard Jablonski and Roman Szewczyk, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 519, Springer. – 2017. – P. 103 – 108.
- Omega-Structured Substrate-Supported Metamaterial for the Transformation of Wave Polarization in THz Frequency Range / I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, A.L. Samofalov, M. A. Podalov, V. A. Solodukha, A.N. Pyatlitski, N.S. Kovalchuk // Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. INTER-ACADEMIA 2017. / Ed. by Luca D., Sirghi L., Costin C., Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 660, Springer. – 2018. – P.72 – 80.
- Nanostructure and Ferroelectric Properties of Sol-Gel SBTN-Films for Electronic Devices / S.A. Khakhomov, A. V. Semchenko, V. V. Sidsky, V. E. Gaishun, D. Luca, V. V. Kolos, V. A. Solodukha, A.N. Pyatlitski, N. S. Kovalchuk // Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. INTER-ACADEMIA 2017. / Ed. by Luca D., Sirghi L., Costin C., Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 660, Springer. – 2018. – P.144 – 150.
- Design and Creation of Metal-Polymer Absorbing Metamaterials Using the Vacuum-Plasma Technologies / I.V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, A. L. Samofalov, I. A. Faniayeu, D. V. Slepiankou, V. A. Solodukha, A. N. Pyatlitski, N. S.Kovalchuk, A. M. Goncharenko, G. V. Sinitsyn // Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. INTER-ACADEMIA 2018. / Ed. by Laukaitis G., Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 53, Springer, – 2019. – p.105–112.
- Synthesis of BiFeO3-Powders by Sol-Gel Process / S. A. Khakhomov, V. E. Gaishun, D. L. Kovalenko, A.V. Semchenko, V. V. Sidsky, W. Strek, D. Hreniak, A. Lukowiak, N. S. Kovalchuk, A. N. Pyatlitski, V. A. Solodukha, D. V. Karpinsky// Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. INTER-ACADEMIA 2018. / Ed. by Laukaitis G., Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 53, Springer, – 2019. –p.43–48.
- Metamaterials / Semchenko I., Khakhomov S. // Photonics / Tolstik A., Lyalikov A., Agishev I., Fedotov A., Gorbach D., Peuteman J., Myshkovets V., Tivanov M., Maksimenka A., Strekal N., Baevich G.,Vasilyuk G., Melnikova A., Semchenko I., Khakhomov S. / Ed. by Tolstik A. – Riga. – 2019. – p.504–535. ISBN - 978-9934-22-144-6 (pdf)
- Kovalenko D.L., Gaishun V.E., Vaskevich V.V., Khakhomov S.A., Khudaverdyan S.K., Ayvazyan G.Y. (2020) Formation and Research of Properties of Photocatalytic Materials on the Basis of TiO2 for Water Treatment. In: Várkonyi-Kóczy A. (eds) Engineering for Sustainable Future. INTER-ACADEMIA 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 101. Springer, p. 46-51.
- Semchenko I., Khakhomov S., Podalov M., Samofalov A. (2020) Polarization Properties of a Rectangular Balanced Omega Element in the THz Range. In: Várkonyi-Kóczy A. (eds) Engineering for Sustainable Future. INTER-ACADEMIA 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 101. Springer, p. 84-93.
- Semchenko A.V., Khakhomov S. A., Sidsky V. V., Gaishun V. E., Kovalenko D. L., Strek W., Hreniak D. (2020) Structural Properties of BiFeO3 and Bi0,9La0,1FeO3 Powders Synthesized by Sol-Gel Process. In: Várkonyi-Kóczy A. (eds) Engineering for Sustainable Future. INTER-ACADEMIA 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 101. Springer, p.113-118.
- Mikhalka I., Semchenko I., Khakhomov S. (2020) Radiation Patterns of Double DNA-Like Helices as Elements of Metamaterials and Antenna Systems. In: Várkonyi-Kóczy A. (eds) Engineering for Sustainable Future. INTER-ACADEMIA 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 101. Springer, p. 135-143.
- Semchenko, I., Samofalov, A., Kravchenko, A., Khakhomov, S. (2022). Production and Experimental Study of a Weakly Reflecting Absorbing Metamaterial Based on Planar Spirals in the Microwave Range. In: Khakhomov, S., Semchenko, I., Demidenko, O., Kovalenko, D. (eds) Research and Education: Traditions and Innovations. INTER-ACADEMIA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 422. Springer, Singapore, p.261-269.
- Fesenko, O. et al. (2022). Raman Investigation of Multiferroic Bi1-xSmXFeO3 Materials Synthesized by the Sol–gel Method. In: Khakhomov, S., Semchenko, I., Demidenko, O., Kovalenko, D. (eds) Research and Education: Traditions and Innovations. INTER-ACADEMIA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 422. Springer, Singapore, p.319-324.
- Semchenko, A. et al. (2022). Nanoscale Piezoelectric Properties and Phase Separation in Pure and La-Doped BiFeO3 Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Method, In: E. Rauwel, P. Rauwel (eds.) Metal Oxide Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Switzerland, p.45-56.
- Kovalenko, D., Vaskevich, V., Gaishun, V., Khakhomov, S. (2024). Dielectric SiO2 Sol-Gel Coatings for Microelectronics. In: Ono, Y., Kondoh, J. (eds) Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. Inter-Academia 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 939., pp.72-80, Springer, Cham.
- Khakhomov, S. et al. (2024). ITO-Based Sol-Gel Layers Containing Rare Earth Complexes for Solar Cells and Optoelectronics. In: Ono, Y., Kondoh, J. (eds) Recent Advances in Technology Research and Education. Inter-Academia 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 939., pp.273-279, Springer, Cham.
Статьи в рецензируемых журналах
- Semchenko A., Sidsky V., Bdikin I., Gaishun V., Kopyl S., Kovalenko D., Pakhomov O., Khakhomov S., Kholkin A. Nanoscale Piezoelectric Properties and Phase Separation in Pure and La-Doped BiFeO3 Films Prepared by Sol–Gel Method, Materials, vol. 14, No.7, 2021, p. 1694
- del Risco J. P., Mikhalka I. S., Lenets V. A., Sidorenko M. S., Sayanskiy A. D., Glybovski S. B., Samofalov A. L., Khakhomov S.A., Semchenko I. V., Ortiz, J. D., Baena J. D. Optimal angular stability of reflectionless metasurface absorbers, Phys. Rev. B 103, 2021, p. 115426
- Jinlei Hu, Zhengda Hu, Jicheng Wang, Sergei Khakhomov, Igor Semchenko, Zexiang Wang, and Menghan Li. High-performance terahertz refractive index sensor based on hybrid graphene Tamm structure, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 38, No.9, 2021, pp. 2543-2550.
- Shaoguang Zhao, Yiqing Wang, Zheng-Da Hu, Aliaksei Balmakou, Sergei Khakhomov, Igor Semchenko, Jicheng Wang. Multi-focusing metalenses based on quadrangular frustum pyramid-shaped nanoantennas, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. – 2021. – Vol.46. – P. 100957.
- Hu, J., Hu, Z., Wang, J., Balmakou, A., Khakhomov, S., Semchenko, I. High-Performance Tunable Multichannel Absorbers Coupled with Graphene-Based Grating and Dual-Tamm Plasmonic Structures. Plasmonics 17 - 2022. - P. 287-294.
- Wang, Z., Shi, W., Hu, Z., Wang, J., Khakhomov, S., Semchenko, I. Switchable Fano Resonance Filter with Graphene based Double Freestanding Dielectric Gratings. Plasmonics (2022).
- Semchenko I.V., Mikhalka I.S., Khakhomov S.A., Samofalov A.L. and Balmakou A.P. (2022) DNA-like Helices as Nanosized Polarizers of Electromagnetic Waves. Front. Nanotechnol. 4:794213.
- Semchenko I.V., Kravchenko A.Y., Samofalov A.L., Khakhomov S.A. A metamaterial based on planar spirals as an electromagnetic waves polarization converter, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series, 2022, V.58, No.1, P.110-119.
- Shixuan Hao, Jicheng Wang, Ivan Fanayev, Sergei Khakhomov, Jingwen Li. Hyperbolic metamaterial structures based on graphene for THz super-resolution imaging applications, Optical Materials Express, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2023, pp. 247-262.
- Bolun Zhang, Zhengda Hu, Jingjing Wu, Jicheng Wang, Yanguang Nie, Feng Zhang, Mengmeng Li, and Sergei Khakhomov. Metasurface-based perfect vortex beams with trigonometric-function topological charge for OAM manipulation, Optics Letters, 2023, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 2409-2412.
- Zheng-Da Hu, Jicheng Wang, Yun Zhu, Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov and Igor Semchenko, Accepted Manuscript online 11 April 2023 , Impacts of low-order aberrations on capacity of orbital-angular-momentum quantum states, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2023.
- Semchenko, I.V., Khakhomov, S.A., Mikhalka, I.S. et al. Polarization Selectivity of a Double DNA-Like Helix as an Element of Metamaterials and Metasurfaces. J Appl Spectrosc 90, 419–426 (2023).
- Semchenko I.V., Khakhomov S.A. Application of DNA Molecules in Nature- Inspired Technologies: A Mini Review, Front. Nanotechnol. Volume 5 - 2023
- Semchenko I.V., Khakhomov S.A. and Wang J (2023) Editorial: The DNA molecule as an object of nanotechnology and the creation of helical-structured metamaterials and metasurfaces. Front. Nanotechnol. 5:1217459.
- Semchenko A.V., Ayvazyan G.Y., Malyutina-Bronskaya V.V., Khakhomov S.A., Kovalenko D.L., Boiko A.A., Sidski V.V., Nestsiaronak A.V., Mayevsky A.A., Danilchenko K.D., et al. Photoactive Properties of Transport Sol-Gel Layers Based on Strontium Titanate for Perovskite Solar Cells. Photonics 2023, 10, 845.
- Ziqing Yin, Jicheng Wang, Yun Zhu, Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov, Igor Semchenko, Zheng-Da Hu, Propagation of radial phase modulated vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence, Optics Communications, Vol.549, 2023, 129941
- Jing J.-T., Song W., Ge T.-T., Sheng X.-Q., Balmakou A., and Khakhomov S., Temperature Controlled Terahertz Absorbers based on Omega Resonators, The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 38, no. 05, pp. 352–360, Sep. 2023.
- Volkova S. A., Vytovtov K. А., Barabanova E. A., Hahomov S. A., Kovalenko D. L., Ivanov M. G. Analytical method of optical wave behavior studying in nonlinear medium with periodically arranged conducting nanofilms. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, vol. 31, iss. 5, pp. 575-585.
- G. Y. Ayvazyan, K. D. Danilchenko, D. L. Kovalenko, A. A. Maevsky, Yu. V. Nikityuk,V. A. Prokhorenko, A. V. Semchenko, V. V. Sidsky, S. A. Khakhomov, V. V. Malyutina-Bronskaya, and A. V. Nesterenok. Synthesis, Investigation and Neural Network Modeling of the Properties of Sol-Gel ITO/ZnO and ITO/ZnO:Mg Structures, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 2023, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 266–273. Russian Text published in Izvestiya Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Armenii, Fizika, 2023, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 366–375.
- Kaixiang Cheng, Zheng Da Hu, Jingjing Wu, Jicheng Wang and Sergei Khakhomov, Development of a quasi-ring Airy vortex beam using an all-dielectric geometric phase metasurface, 2023 Physica Scripta, Vol. 98, No.12, 125523
- Fanyaev I. A., Hao Sh., Wang J., Li J., Khakhomov S.A. Controlled Hyperbolic Structure of Metamaterial for Subdiffraction Visualization in the Terahertz Range, Crystallography Reports, 2023, Vol. 68, No. 7, pp. 1215–1221.
- Xiaotong Yu, Ziqing Yin, Jicheng Wang, Yun Zhu, Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov and Zheng-Da Hu, Propagation of perfect Laguerre-Gaussian entangled states in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence, 2024, Physica Scripta, 99, 015105
- Zhenxing Li, Huiling Li, Zheng-Da Hu, Jiacheng Zhou, Jicheng Wang, Sergei Khakhomov, Lithography-free high sensitivity perfect absorption based on Graphene/ α-MoO3/SiC and Tamm plasmonic structure, Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, vol. 169, 110125
- Lyakhnovich, A.V.; Semchenko, I.V.; Samofalov, A.L.; Podalov, M.A.; Sinitsyn, G.V.; Kravchenko, A.Y.; Khakhomov, S.A. Terahertz Polarization-Resolved Spectra of the Metamaterial Formed by Optimally Shaped Omega Elements on a Silicon Substrate at Oblique Incidence of Waves. Photonics 2024, 11, 163.
- Kang Z., Zhu Y., Wang J., Li M., Khakhomov S., Hu Z. Anisotropic atmospheric turbulence and partially coherent self-focusing vortex beams for wireless optical communication, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2024, Vol. 41, Issue 6, pp. 1290-1295
- Yang Bai, Yun Zhu, Jicheng Wang, Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov, and Zheng Dahu, "Average capacity and bit error rate of vortex gamma beams propagating in non-Kolmogorov atmospheric turbulence," Opt. Express32, 23584-23596 (2024)
- Xiaotong Yu, Wei Zhong, Yun Zhu, Jicheng Wang, Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov, and Zheng-Da Hu, "Fisher information of orbital angular momentum quantum states in atmospheric turbulence," Opt. Express32, 27327-27341 (2024)
- Hou, Y. Zhu, M. Li, R. Chen, D. Ding, S. Khakhomov, I. Semchenko, Scattering Center Model Inspired Micro-Motion False Target Generation Using Time-Modulated Metasurface,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 12, pp.4273-4277
- Semchenko, I.V.; Mikhalka, I.S.; Samofalov, A.L.; Khakhomov, S.A. Controlling the Shape of a Double DNA-like Helix as an Element of Metamaterials.Photonics 2024, 11, 788.
- Zhenhua Yin, Jicheng Wang, Yueke Wang, Yun Zhu,Mengmeng Li, Sergei Khakhomov and Zheng-Da Hu. Qubit–qubit quantum coherence mediated by an epsilon-near-zero waveguide, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2024.
- Hong, Jing, Ni, Mengyi, Zhang, Zhengping, Hu, Zheng-Da, Wang, Jicheng, Shen, Xiaopeng, Wang, Xiong, Li, Mengmeng and Khakhomov, Sergei. "Measuring high-efficiency perfect composite vortex beams with reflective metasurfaces in microwave band // Nanophotonics.
- Junnan Chen, Yuhan Ge, Zheng-Da Hu, Jingjing Wu, Jicheng Wang, Sergei Khakhomov. Multi-functional polarization imaging and optical encryption of diatomic metasurfaces by using transfer matrix analysis, Optics Communications, Volume 578, 2025, 131472.