- University
- About the University
- General information
- University in world rankings
- University administration
- Recognition board
- University symbols
- International cooperation
- Management structure
- University Council
- Regulatory documents
- Quality management system
- Информационная безопасность
- Обработка персональных данных
- Academic conferences
- Virtual excursions
- Media about us
- Конкурс на должности ППС
- For foreign citizens
- Dissertation Defense Tips
- Faculties
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Geology and Geography
- Faculty of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of History and Intercultural Communication
- Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies
- Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics
- Faculty of Physics and Information Technologies
- Faculty of Physical Culture
- Faculty of Philology
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law
- Institutes
- Structural division
- Office of the Registrar
- Personnel Department
- Accounting Office
- Planning and Economic Department
- Labour Protection Office
- University museums
- Standartization and Metrology Office
- Department of educational work with youth
- Department of Youth Initiatives and Student Self-Government
- Regional Marketing Centre
- Information and Analytical Department
- University Newspaper Office
- Printing and Publication Department
- Information Technology Center
- Research Sector
- Student Club
- Sports Club
- Educational division
- Public organizations
- Paid service
- About the University
- For applicants
- For Students
- Student's personal account
- Studies
- Schedule of classes
- Каталог дисциплин
- Требования к оформлению дипломных и курсовых работ
- Tuition fees
- Regulations on training according to an individual plan
- Regulations on the modular rating system of knowledge assessment
- Testing
- Distance learning
- Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training
- "GSU-Profi" training courses
- Virtual University
- Electronic documents
- Extramural education
- Library
- Leisure
- Internet and Wi-Fi
- Student organizations
- Student Self-Government
- Psychological consultations
- Reminder to a young specialist
- Reminder to a first-year student
- Master’s degree
- Part-time
- For Graduates
- For Staff
- Contacts