Lectures and seminars

  • 18 Mar 2019
    Professor of Ivan Petrovsky Bryansk State University, doctor of biology Yury Semenischenkov delivered lectures to the 3rd year students at the Department of the botany and plants physicology on the main approaches to ordination of plants and botanico-geographical features of the transborder territory Belarus – Russia. Professor Semenischenkov focused on the goals and problems of his department, concerning publications in the magazines from the base Scopus, financed international projects,…
  • 04 Mar 2019
    Human Rights Center of Belarusian State University hosted an international seminar on interdisciplinary research work in the area of human rights on February 28 – March 2, 2019. Representatives of our University took part in this event and presented 3 research projects. The seminar was organized by Belarusian State University with the assistance of Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (Sweden).
  • 27 Dec 2018
    Representatives of Hindustan College of Science and Technology (Farah, India) – Professor Vinod Kumar Kushwaha and Master’s degree student of the Faculty of  physics Rohan Sagar visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University to conduct research work at the Institute of physics and chemistry of GSU. Within the frames of the agreement of Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research the Indian and Belarusian scholars develop methods of formation and study the electrophysical…
  • 27 Dec 2018
    Elena Naumova, candidate of physics and mathematics, a research scholar of Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia) visited Francisk Skorina Gomel State University on December 26 – 27, 2018. Elena Valerievna is a leading engineer in the laboratory of physics and technology of three-dimensional nanostructures of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of RAS. Her scope of activities is development of…
  • 14 Nov 2018
    Mobility of lecturers and students, training and professional development of teachers, disciplinary procedures at the educational establishments, judicial control of personnel evaluation in the field of education, inclusive education, data protection, transparency and access to information in the field of education - this is not a complete list of the problems that were addressed during the methodological seminar on the program for the implementation of the EduLAW International Project “…
  • 22 Oct 2018
    Professor of Stockholm University, the Director of AlbaNova University Center, member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and elected member of the Nobel Committee for Physics, Mats Larsson, paid a working visit to Francisk Skorina Gomel State University. Professor Larsson will deliver lectures to the students and lecturers of the Faculty of physics and information technologies, introduce the latest developments in physics and pathbreaking inventions of 2018 Nobel prize laureates - Arthur…
  • 11 Oct 2018
    Yesterday it seemed to be impossible to study abroad. But today we can observe examples of student, Master`s degree and PhD student`s mobility abroad, of their internship and study experience at foreign universities, where they are awarded double diploma and degrees of partner universities as well. That is what happened to a Senior teacher of Department of Optics Sergei Barsukov who came back at GSU after his 3-year PhD programme and defense of thesis at Shizuoka University. Sergei Barsukov…
  • 02 Oct 2018
    At the end of September a working meeting of the participants of the Erasmus + programme was held at the University of Cyprus (Nicosia) on the project “Improving Master's Education in the Field of Physical Sciences at Belarusian Universities” (“Physics”) and a seminar on developing curricula for undergraduates. Professor Igor Semchenko, associate professors Dmitry Kovalenko and Andrei Samofalov were the members of the working group of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University.
  • 25 Sep 2018
    The students of the Faculty of psychology and pedagogy attended the lecture of a scholar from the USA Kenneth Brockman, an expert in nuclear physics who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 as part of a group of IAEA scientists for "measures to prevent the use of atomic energy for military purposes".  The interactive lecture was devoted to the issues of psychological follow-up in emergencies. 
  • 19 Sep 2018
    The representatives of American Association for the Advancement of Science – Eve Nimkar (“Delta Community Credit Union”, Atlanta, the USA) and Dr Jason McNaughten delivered lectures “Psychology of business and management” and “Positive / of depression” to the students of the Faculty of Psychology and pedagogy on September 13, 2018. After the lectures the scholars of GSU and their American colleagues attended a seminar devoted to the discussion of the relevant issues in the sector of psychology.