Submitted by Dmitry_Gorbachev on Wed, 02/10/2021 - 15:40

The STV TV channel continues to present the delegates of the 6th All-Belarusian People’s Assembly to the country’s residents, the News 24 Hours program reported on STV. In what direction the national science is developing and how the regional universities of Belarus live, spoke the Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University Sergei Khakhomov. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences participates in the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly for the first time. He will represent at the Forum not only 10 thousand students and lecturers of the university, but also his voters: since 2018 Sergei Khakhomov has been a deputy of the Regional Council.

Alexander Dobriyan met with the delegate, and the conversation began literally with lofty matters.  

We demonstrate in what special chamber Gomel University is conducting a joint experiment with China.

Alexander Dobriyan, correspondent:

Does Program 21-25 for the Development of Belarus take into account the fact that our laboratories and universities have such potential?

Sergei Khakhomov, Rector of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, a delegate of the VI All-Belarusian People’s Assembly:

I think so. Both human resources and the availability of appropriate equipment in the Academy of Sciences, in the country's largest universities, are reflected in this program.

Alexander Dobriyan:

How can this affect the development of the regions? We know that the program contains the main principle: through strong regions, through the development of the regional economy to the general welfare of our country.

Sergei Khakhomov:

From my point of view, the main influence of this program on the development of the regions will be that the most promising, most prepared applicants will remain in our region. They will enter our university. As people living in this region, we would like more talented applicants to stay here, they could then apply the knowledge at local enterprises.

Alexander Dobriyan:

Do they have an opportunity to realize themselves here, what do you think?

Sergei Khakhomov:

Sure. Applicants, students of our university for the past, probably 7-8 years, have had one hundred percent of work places after graduation.

We are now in the Patriotic Office. It is in such unique audiences that we educate our youth.

Alexander Dobriyan:

Your personal opinion: in your opinion, today how much Belarusians need to fight to preserve the historical paradigm in which the formation of our independent country took place?

Sergei Khakhomov:

Probably, I will repeat myself, but I will say it again: it seemed to us that this all goes without saying. Victory in the Great Patriotic War, participation, such a number of victims did not raise any doubts or any questions along the path of development of our country. However, recent events now show that these aspects need to be paid high attention to. And not only in humanitarian faculties, specialities of the humanitarian profile, but also in the specialities of natural science. After all, we will pay high attention to patriotic education, issues of preserving cultural heritage.

There you can do PCR tests. See what the laboratory of Skorina Gomel University looks like

From my point of view, we are keeping pace with the times. I can confirm this by the fact that our foreign colleagues give us the same assessments. And this is confirmed by the high rank of the University in Belarus in various ratings. It is important not to underestimate your capabilities and abilities, because if you respond very vividly to any criticism that we are exposed to, then, it seems to me, this will also not be entirely true.

We were criticized, our education was criticized many times. But when I touched on this a little, it turns out that our IT specialists are in demand in a huge number of countries - both neighbours and far abroad. The situation is the same with doctors. Therefore, from my point of view, this is an indirect confirmation of quality education in Belarus.

People in the material: Sergei Khakhomov, Alexander Dobriyan


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