International Scientific Conference "Riga treaty and national interests of Belarus" held at Francisk Skorina GSU

Submitted by Dmitry_Gorbachev on Fri, 03/12/2021 - 10:25

More than thirty authoritative researchers from Belarus, Poland and Russia are taking part in this conference, which was organized by the Faculty of History of the F. Skorina State University. Among the researchers there are 12 doctors and 16 candidates of historical sciences. Large scientific centers of the three states are represented, that are actively studying international relations of the interwar period. These are the universities of Moscow, Warsaw, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Torun, Smolensk, Bryansk, Brest, Grodno.

Department of General History of GSU named after F. Skorina, the organizer of the conference, is also an important center for the study of the history of international relations. The reports presented in the conference program cover a wide range of scientific problems related to the Riga Treaty and international relations in Eastern Europe. Their discussion will contribute to the development of new scientific concepts explaining complex historical phenomena in relations between the peoples of our region.

N.N. Mezga, Head of the Department of General History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

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