Sports Disciplines Department

  • 25 Aug 2020
    The youth (U-19) mini-football championship of Belarus ended in Borisov last weekend, with 6 teams reaching the final stage. In the decisive struggle for the championship, two teams fought: "GomGU-VRZ" and "Minsk". The intrigue, who will get the honorary title of the champion of Belarus, remained until the final match, in which the Gomel team beat Minskers 3: 1. We congratulate all members of the GomGU-VRZ team and its coach Nikita Martyanov with one more gold in the collection of awards and…
  • 14 Aug 2020
    A group of graduates of the Faculty of Physical Education under the guidance of the teacher of the Department of Sports Disciplines Oleg Kanash made a sports trip of the 2nd category of complexity to the Carpathians. Tourists conquered the highest mountain in Ukraine - the top of Hoverla (2061 m) and raised the flag of the Francisk Skorina Gomel State University over it.