
  • 23 Jul 2018
    High quality education at a relatively low cost of education, comfortable and safe stay in our country, the possibility of in-depth study of the Russian language for a successful future career attract students from China to study in Belarusian universities. At the meeting with the rector of the state University of education Sergey Khakhomov said the General Manager of the educational programs of the company Weland International Angelo Khan. His visit to the University took place within the…
  • 05 Jul 2018
    On July 5, the Rector of the University Sergei Khakhomov had a meeting with the students from the Czech Republic who came to the State University within the framework of the International Summer School of Russian Language ALBARUTHENIA. To increase the level of Russian language proficiency, get acquainted with the culture and traditions of a foreign land, make new friends - each of the guests of our university pursues these goals within two weeks of interesting classes, excursions, competitions…
  • 07 Jun 2018
    Upon completion of the foreign internship at the University of Kyoto, which is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan, the teacher-trainee of the Department of radio physics and electronics Fanyaev Igor Alexandrovich held optional classes in the academic discipline for the specialty 1-31 04 03 Physical electronics on "Manufacturing of three - dimensional micro-and nanostructures" for students of the 2nd year of full-time education. During the classes, students were introduced to new…
  • 17 May 2018
    Contacts all over the world, high quality of education, unique experience of education in European universities, wide career prospects – a lot of advantages gives its participants the European educational program Erasmus Plus. Starting in 2014, it United all EU-funded exchange programs for young people and adults, became a common platform for 90% of European universities, and gave the opportunity for academic mobility to more than 4 million people. Among the participants of Erasmus Plus-Gomel…
  • 07 May 2018
    From 20 to 29 April, Vladimir E. Gaishun, head of the Department of optics, took part in the National exhibition of the Republic of Belarus at the Hannover Messe 2018 international industrial fair. During the trip, submitted the following development Problem NEIL PM: "Condenser SBTN-Sol-gel layers for application in non-volatile radiation-resistant storage devices", "Sol-gel coatings and film-forming solutions on the basis of silicon dioxide for application in the production technology of…
  • 20 Apr 2018
    GSU named after F. Skorina was visited by the Professor of the Institute of General and experimental biology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Chimeny Dorjsuren. At the meeting with the Vice-rector for scientific work Oleg Demidenko, the parties discussed current issues of cooperation between Belarusian and Mongolian scientists. In particular, it was about joint projects in the field of forestry – the creation of drugs for the root systems of woody plants and technology for obtaining…
  • 19 Apr 2018
    V Moscow international salon of education is held in the capital of Russia on April 18-21. The rector of the state University named after Sergey Khakhomov became a participant of the large-scale event. The country's largest exhibition of advanced educational technologies is located in VDNH. Its thematic sections - "State policy", "pre — School education", "General education", "Secondary vocational education", "Higher education", "Additional education", "Inclusive education" - fully reflected…